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Industrial Cadets Week 2020

In November 2019 we hosted our first virtual Industrial Cadets Week. We partnered with some amazing employers, universities and emerging young talent, offering young people a sneak peak into the exciting world of work. We delivered a week of company introductions, interviews, and case studies covering a huge range of different roles within STEM companies and ended each day with a live employer panel Q & A session.

We received some wonderful feedback from our students, teachers and partners. Here’s what one of our partners, GFG Foundation had to say:

"The GFG Foundation was delighted to sponsor the virtualIndustrial Cadet week, as a great way of educating andsupporting young people who had missed out on traditionalwork experience and careers fairs due to COVID-19. Theevent was an engaging way to inspire students from allover the country by showcasing technology, engineeringand science in local industrial businesses. The ‘Insight into…’ interviews provided a fantastic way of informing youngpeople about the different roles and careers available,whilst also showcasing the breadth of activity within theGFG Alliance."

Click below to download the full impact report of Industrial Cadets Week 2020.

Industrial Cadets Week impact
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