Programmes for Age 12+

Proud students in class working on a Bronze Mentored Project
EDT STEM Bronze Programme

Industrial Cadets: Bronze Mentored Project

All students who complete their Challenger Experience will gain an Industrial Cadets Challenger Award. If you would like your school to take part in this experience, click the button below to apply.

Bronze Mentored Projects allows your students the opportunity to gain essential skills for learning, life and work-readiness, by collaborating in small teams of up to 6 students on a dedicated STEM project.

During the programme, the team will explore potential career paths and discover diverse opportunities in STEM sector whilst being guided by a mentor from a partner company.

Upon completing the programme, students will graduate as Bronze-level Industrial Cadets, earning a nationally recognised award that serves as evidence of their experience and enhances future applications and career prospects.

Course information:
Age group - Year 8-9 / S2.
Structure - 12 weeks in school project supported by an industry mentor.
Class/ Individual/Team - Team project.
Who applies - School representative e.g. teacher, STEM coordinator, careers advisor.
Teacher involvement - Teacher required to support the team in a weekly meeting.
Cost - School Admin Cost (bursaries/sponsorship may be available).
A group of students working together on a STEM project in class
EDT STEM Bronze Programme

Industrial Cadets: Bronze Routes into STEM

Routes into STEM is an innovative three-day local (non-residential) experience that gives you the amazing chance to help understand the different routes available into further STEM education and career pathways. You will have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of life at STEM educational providers and companies, spending one day at each.

At the end of the scheme, students graduate as Bronze-level Industrial Cadets, a nationally recognised award that students can use as evidence of their experience and take forward to complement their future applications and career journeys.

Course information:
Age group - Year 9 and 10 / S3 and S4.
Structure - Three-day experience at local STEM educational providers and STEM companies.
Class/ Individual/Team? - Individual places.
Who applies – Student.
Teacher involvement - No teacher involvement required.
Cost - £190 for all 3 days. Bursary places are available for eligible students.
Students discuss their STEM project during their Bronze Routes in to STEM programme
EDT STEM Bronze Programme

Industrial Cadets: Bronze Virtual Routes into STEM

Virtual Routes into STEM is an exciting opportunity to explore the various routes you can take towards your STEM career. This course is designed to give insight into pathways following GCSEs or Nat 5 and Highers, including study routes via colleges, & university and direct apprenticeship routes through industry. This inspiring course is run to coincide with the Easter holidays, from 10th– 30th April 2025, and students can complete flexibly within this time.

Young people will be able to work through activities and projects at their own pace, tour a variety of institutions virtually and also have access to live career sessions and mentor panels with STEM employers.

Course information:
Age group -  Year 9-10  /  S3-S4.
Structure- 20 hr course with flexible study, to explore STEM apprenticeships,university, and career routes.
Class/ Individual/Team - Individual places.
Who applies - Student.
Teacher involvement - Teacher required to support the team in a weekly meeting.
Cost - £80.