Last month we had the first of our 2 all-girl Experience Days (Digital Explorers event), in Auchmuty, Fife. This was a big session with 240 S1 - S3 (12 - 14) year old girls attending the event.
We are delighted to partner with TCS and receive funding to run the Digital Explorers event which is designed to inspire and motivate young people to take an interest in STE(A)M – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. Each day is packed with fun activities providing insight into a breadth of tech careers, coding and engineering. It allowed the students to demonstrate team work, communication and creativity.
We ran the Coding Comms session, STEM Den Scenarios (with addition of a making a small model from basic craft supplies) and Robot Rescue. 20 TCS volunteers supported the event and mentored the students.
Peter Devery, Director of Comms,TCS UK & Ireland, also joined the volunteers for the day.
Thank you to TCS, Peter Devery and all the volunteers who supported on the day.
Digital Explorers is also being held for a full week in Liverpool this month, and Bristol in March. Attending will be around 200 students a day, for 5 consecutive days. We will be reaching around 1,000 young people throughout each of the weeks from Years 7-12. Some will already be focused on a career or further study in the tech sector, others may just be curious about the skills, people and opportunities involved.