Face to Face Routes into STEM
FAQs 2023
General Information
Where and when is my course running?
Find your course information including dates and locations of each venue on your course flyer here.
What are the timings for each day?
The timings each day are from around 8.45am until around 4pm and will be confirmed within your course joining instructions nearer the time.
Travel Arrangements
Students are responsible for their own daily travel to and from each venue every day.
Normally you’d be expected to bring your own packed lunch, however lunch is sometimes provided for the course and this will be confirmed along with all other details in the course joining instructions prior to the course start date.
When will I receive more information?
Full details of timings, maps and contact phone numbers of the course supervisors will be provided to students and parents/guardians nearer the time, usually at least one week prior to the course start date.
How will you manage my safety?
Our safeguards are described in our EDT’s Privacy Policy, EDT’s Online Policy and EDT’s Safeguarding Policy.
There will be 2 EDT supervisors with you at all times during the course, in addition to the educational organisation/company staff on each site.
I have other commitments so can I arrive late or leave early?
Routes into STEM courses are very over-subscribed, our partner organisations expect the students who are selected to participate fully over the three days.
What Industrial Cadets Award will I get?
Routes into STEM face-to-face programme is accredited at Industrial Cadets Bronze Level. All students who attend all three days and successfully complete the course receive Industrial Cadets Bronze Level certificate and badge as a recognition that they have achieved the award.
Need to get in touch?
If you need to contact us, please email us at studentrecruitment@etrust.org.uk And join our EDT and Industrial Cadets Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to keep in touch.